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Frequently Asked Questions

Options for Aging provides customized, individualized & unbiased care 

management services.


We Listen,

We Care,

We understand.    


We are there for you, so you can be there for them.

What is a Geriatric Care Manager (GCM)?


A Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) is a health and human services specialist trained and experienced in any of several fields related to long term care including: nursing, gerontology, social work and psychology.


What is the benefit of using a GCM?


The main reason families seek out a geriatric care manager is concern. It could be a recent event such as hospitalization or a fall or it could be an aging parent’s declining health or memory. For family members who live at a distance, a GCM can be a lifesaver. A Geriatric Care manager can save you time and money by helping to avoid inappropriate housing placements, duplication of services and unnecessary hospitalizations.


When should I contact a GCM?


When the time and the stress of providing care to an older relative becomes overwhelming especially when the family lives out of town.


Are the services covered by insurance?


Medicare and Medicaid only cover the services of physicians and direct medical care. The assessment and care management from a geriatric care manager are not a covered service. Some long-term care policies will cover the cost of a GCM. Options for Aging will help determine if there are other options available such as veterans and community resources to help defray the cost.

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